Thursday, July 9, 2009

STOP SMOKING: What are the Symptoms of Nicotine Addiction?

Answer the following questions as honestly as you can:

  1. Do you smoke every day?
  2. Do you smoke because of shyness and to build self-confidence?
  3. Do you smoke to escape from boredom and worries while under pressure?
  4. Have you ever burned a hole in your clothes, carpet, furniture or car?
  5. Have you ever had to go to the store late at night or at another inconvenient time because you were out of cigarettes?
  6. Do you feel defensive or angry when people tell you that your cigarette smoke is bothering them?
  7. Has a doctor or dentist suggested that you stop smoking?
  8. Have you promised someone that you would stop smoking, then broken your promise?
  9. Have you felt physical or emotional discomfort when trying to quit?
  10. Have you successfully stopped smoking for a period of time only to start again?
  11. Do you buy extra supplies of tobacco to make sure you won't run out?
  12. Do you find it difficult to imagine life without smoking?
  13. Do you choose only activities and entertainment as such that you can smoke during them?
  14. Do you prefer, seek out or feel more comfortable in the company of smokers?
  15. Do you inwardly despise or feel ashamed of yourself because of your smoking?
  16. Do you ever find yourself lighting up without having consciously deciding to?
  17. Has your smoking caused trouble at home or in a relationship?
  18. Do you ever tell yourself that you can stop smoking whenever you want to?
  19. Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you didn't smoke?
  20. Do you continue to smoke even thought you are aware of the health hazards posed by smoking?

If you answered "yes" to more than two of these questions, there is a chance that you are addicted or becoming addicted to nicotine. If you answered "yes" to three or more, you are probably already addicted to nicotine.



E .F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique)
NeuroLinguistic Programming
Cognitive therapy
Cold Turkey
Self Help Groups (Smoke Enders or Nicotine Anonymous among others)

Stop Smoking Tips

Creative Alternatives to Smoking

If you are bored and trying not to smoke:
Hold a fake cigarette, for example, cut up straws
Take a walk
Do a puzzle
Chew Gum
Call a friend
Work on a hobby
See a movie
Eat a low calorie snack
Give yourself a manicure/pedicure
Make a list of things to do
Read a newspaper

If You Are Stressed and Trying Not to Smoke


To stay calm, think about something that makes you feel good.

Relax your shoulders.

Close your mouth and inhale through your nose as slowly and deeply as you can.

Hold your breath while you count to four, keeping your shoulders relaxed.

Exhale slowly, letting out all the air from your lungs, as if you were blowing out a candle.

Repeat this inhale - exhale cycle five times.

Dad I Wish You Would Stop Smoking

Dear Dr. Andrews
I am a 13 year old, and I have a younger brother and a younger sister. My dad, when his is home from work, spends most of his time on the patio smoking. My mother and my sister are allergic to smoking. The rest of the family does not like the smell of cigarettes either. I am very sad that my dad smokes.He reads your column, so I would like him to know the reasons why I wish for him to stop smoking.
1. Dad, sometimes I feel you prefer smoking over spending time with your own family.
2. I wish you would spend time not smoking but with all of us.
3. I worry about your health. You are always tired, out of breath and look older than you really are. I'm afraid you may die from heart trouble or lung cancer and I cry when I think this can happen to you.
4. Your smoking causes you and Mom to argue, and we all are very unhappy when the two of you don't get along. We want to live in a happy family.
Cigarettes cost money, and you work hard at your job. Even then, we cannot afford many extras. I feel as though you are taking away from yourself and from all of us.
Dad, you are a good person, and I think if you decide to quit smoking and you ask God for help, he will give it to you.
Dad, I hope you will read these reasons and think about what I've said to you.
Your Daughter

Your letter to your father was beautiful. I could feel your caring and the deep concern you have for him. I encourage you to tell your father that you love him and care about him, as you've said in your letter. Please avoid nagging, or threatening, they will not help him to make a decision to stop smoking.I want to that you for writing to me.You speak for many children, who have the same wish for a loved one as you do for your dad. I have included in this column some facts about smoking, based on information published by the American Cancer Society, that could be helpful to your father.
If you are thinking of quitting smoking here are some things to consider:
1. It's not as hard as you think to remove this addiction from your life.
2. Don't look at it as if you are giving up something. This makes it seem too muchlike a loss. What you are really doing is tossing something out of your life thathas done you harm and doesn't belong here anymore.
3. Set a date. Make a commitment. Give it a try. Remember, it is alright if you don'tsucceed at first. Just keep trying. The only way you can lose is by ceasing to try.
4. Always keep a positive attitude. After all, this is one of the most positive things you've ever done. Stay away from negative people and worrisome situations.
5. Quit for yourself. Even though your family and loved ones will benefit tremendously from your quitting, it is you that will benefit the most. Have at lease two reasons that you want to stop smoking.
6. Treat giving up smoking with the respect it rightly deserves. Become willing to go to any lengths to remove it from your life. If you are not willing, try praying for the willingness. This usually works.
7. Consider getting some support from a professional who understands nicotine addiction.
8. Clinical Hypnosis, and E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique) are most effective treatments to help you stop the smoking habit, because they focus on the psychological and the physiological factors of the addiction as well.
9. Remember, desire to be a Nonsmoker is the key to your Success.

Dr. Eugenia Andrews