Wednesday, July 7, 2010


1.Γράψε σε μια κόλλα χαρτί, 5 λόγους που θέλεις να κόψεις το κάπνισμα
2.Να κρατάς στο χέρι σου ένα καλαμάκι, στο μέγεθος του τσιγάρου
3.Να περπατάς ή να κάνεις κάποιου είδους σωματική άσκηση.
4.Να μασάς τσίχλα ή κομματάκια κανέλας.
5.Η Ψυχολογική υποστήριξη ειναι απαραίτητη, διότι η νικοτίνη προκαλεί σωματική και ψυχολογική εξάρτηση.

Η Ψυχολογική υποστήρηξη μαζι με τις άλλες ειδικές θεραπευτικές μεθόδους, σε βοηθούν να ξεπεράσεις το φόβο της αποτυχίας και να αποκτήσεις Κινητοποίηση, Αυτοπεποίθηση και Ψυχική Δύναμη ώστε να κόψεις το κάπνισμα για πάντα.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ten Rules for Resolutions Success

Dear Dr. Andrews,
Every year I make my new year’s resolutions but for some reason I never have any success in sticking with them. This year I would like to put exercise into my daily routine and quit smoking. In the past I lost my enthusiasm quickly and I was back where I started, which made me feel like a failure. Are other people successful in their resolutions, and could you give me some suggestions on how to realize mine. I want to stop feeling disappointed in myself.
“Success in 2010”

Dear “Success”,
I think it’s great that you want to take better care of yourself as your new year’s resolutions reflect. Many people all over the world use this time of year to “take inventory” of how their lives have been in the past year, assess the things they’d planned to do and did, and come to the realization that there were still some things they did not accomplish. This realization, often puts some pressure on everyone, and it could lead to the individuals renewing their resolutions for the New Year much too quickly. Frequently, disappointment and a sense of failure give way to renewed hope that a new beginning could perhaps be made with the start of the New Year.You must know that you are not alone in having difficulty keeping your New Year’s resolutions. Research tells us that only about 40% of the people who make them are able to keep them on the first attempt. The rest make several attempts and many often will succeed on the fifth or sixth attempt. The following are some suggestions to help you succeed this year:
1. Make the decision to make a change for you and no one else.
2. A strong commitment to your goal is very important.
3. Start taking action today. One does not achieve change by thinking about it but by doing
4. Take small steps daily, e.g., when it comes to losing weight, start walking 10 minutes every
day or eat half the portion of a meal that you would eat otherwise.
5. Have realistic expectations for yourself. It is truly amazing how being realistic about our
goals does not overwhelm us and produces amazing results.
6. Avoid being critical of yourself if you slip. Keep in mind that change is a process and it takes
7. Be consistent. Through the accumulation of small actions we get big results.
8. We all want fast changes but we shouldn’t underestimate the factor of time. Changes require
us to be patient.
9. Make a list with coping strategies and several names of people who can be your support
system in your quest to lose weight and stop smoking. You might even find someone to do
this together with and you can motivate each other.
10. Never frame your resolutions as absolutes by saying “I will never do this again.” Success is a
process of changing all habits.
As the well-known football player and coach, Jim Ryan put it, “Motivation is what gets us started. Habit is what keeps us going.” Get into action today with small, consistent steps and before you know it, you’ll be meeting your goals.

Dr. Eugenia

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Subtle Intention" Opens Door To Goal Success

Hello friends,

This week, I'm in Carlsbad California, at the CHOPRA Center, training with Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon.
It has been an amazing experience, one that words simply cannot fully describe.
Here are some incredible ideas that I would like to share with you.
Through meditation and practicing silence, we go inward, quiet our mind from that old "chatter" and allow for our intentions to manifest into the outcome we want, by letting go of the anxiety and stress we used to feel .
The good news is, that we do not have to try hard to reach our goals.
All you need to do, is get clear about what you want be aware of your timing, get comfortable with that feeling of uncertainty, while you create a subtle intention and watch with "curiosity" how things develop in your life.
I am doing this myself and am manifesting several things that seemed impossible just last week.
You too, can have this fantastic experience and I assure you, you will be amazed with the results. Things do not have to be hard, instead we must develop new strategies of thought and action. This way, we'll be able to enjoy this journey that's called life, much more than ever before. Right now, ask yourself, "What is it that I want to manifest in my life today, this week, or next month?" Do you want to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, make more money, have the job of your dreams? Hypnosis and Life Coaching, help you achieve clarity, let go of anxiety and create the "Subtle Intention", which is the key to fulfilling your desires.
Make your decision today and step into your dreams!
Please let me hear your thoughts.
This is the beginning of a conversation which it's my wish you will find interesting and thought provoking as you are looking into the end of another year and the beginning of a new one.

Love and Peace to you,


Monday, July 13, 2009

Are you ready to become a non smoker?

Here are some reasons that may pose a challenge in letting go of the smoking habit.
If you find it difficult to stop smoking, check with yourself if one of the following factors may be present in your life.
1. Work Stress that has become overwhelming. Some people don't smoke at home, they only smoke at work.
2. Too much stress at home. Family problems with spouse, children.
3. Loss of a job. Such an event causes grief , sadness and anger that trigger smoking.
4. Financial problems. Having enough money to pay the mortgage , household and credit card bills can become a trigger for smoking.
3. Drinking at a club, bar, or social gathering.
Alcohol can trigger the craving for nicotine.
4. Boredom. Do you spend a lot of time with nothing constructive or creative to do?
5. Loneliness. Cigarettes are often seen as a companion, a loyal close friend who is always available to you.
6. Timing. Other people may want you to quit , including your family members or your primary physician.
It may be a matter of days, weeks or months until you are ready to throw your last pack away.
Hypnosis can help you discover new ways to manage stress and alleviate fears, loneliness, boredom, grief , anxiety, frustration and worry.You will gain clarity and increase your motivation and desire to succeed in your goal to become a Non smoker for life.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stop Smoking Permanently With Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Technique

Dear Dr. Eugenia,
I have tried everything to stop smoking: acupuncture, filters, the patch you name it. Eight months ago, at the encouragement of a friend, I tried hypnosis and it worked. I had two sessions, and felt really good. There were no cravings and my energy started coming back. Then, I went through a divorce and I'm smoking again. I have a new home and I don't want it to smell like smoke so I end up smoking outside or in the garage and it's too hot this time of the year. I'm starting to get angry with myself and feel stuck again. I'm tired of this habit.Can hypnosis help me this time for good?

In our experience about 95% of people who smoke are successful in their effort to stop smoking when they have more than one therapy option available to them.People differ in the way they react to stressful situations and they can be caught "off guard" by a crisis, such as a death, a divorce, a move, loss of a job, even a bad day at work.
Our research, which began in 1985 has clearly shown that a combination of at least two treatment methods, such as Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Technique, maximizes your success, up to 95% , regardless of how many times one tries to quit smoking.
You can be taught specific ways to "disconnect" any associations between stressful feelings and cravings for cigarettes, through EFT and Hypnosis. This way you would feel assured that no matter what happens, you are now free of cigarettes and have become a NON SMOKER FOR LIFE.

Dr.Eugenia Andrews

Stop Smoking: Success With Hypnosis

Dear Dr. Andrews,
I hope you can help me because I don't know what to do about my smoking. I have been a smoker for 35 years and find it impossible to quit. Right now, I'm using the gum and it's not helping. Is Nicorette Gum any good ? I find that it causes me to become nauseous.
Is there anything else I can do to stop smoking?

According to American Cancer Society, 90% of those who smoke would like to quit, and have tried at least once. Most people believe they "should" be strong enough to quit by themselves. However, studies have shown that smokers who get help from an effective program using hypnosis are much more likely to quit with no unwanted side effects, and to remain smoke free, than those who quit on their own. The success rate of clients in our program is close to 96%.
The program is easy, and effortless and uses no substitutes or drugs. Part of the success of the program comes from the one year support, which is part of the original investment. The Nicorette Gum is nicotine introduced into the system by absorption. There have been several side effects documented concerning the use of the "gum". If you are trying to kick the addictive habit of nicotine, why take nicotine in a different form? Few if any have been successful using this this method.
When choosing a program for Smoking Cessation, you might consider a multi-dimensional approach that deals with the nicotine addiction,without drugs, side effects or long term financial cost and which provides psychological support.

Dr. Eugenia Andrews

Be a Non Smoker and Never Gain Weight

I have been smoking for a long time and would like to stop. Can hypnosis help me quit this smoking habit? I don't want to gain any weight.

In our customized approach you receive a recording of your session in which maintaining your present weight is one of several positive suggestions that will help you to avoid gaining weight as a non-smoker. Some of the people we work with, even lose weight if they need to while becoming non smokers.Your success in quiting , has no relevance to how long you've been smoking. Time is a concept of the conscious mind and habits develop in the subconscious mind. In order to succeed, all it takes is your motivation and desire, to achieve your goal.
Becoming a Non smoker, is a CHOICE to attain good health, high self -esteem and quality of life, in addition to respecting the environment and the world around you .
Of course, there are tremendous financial benefits that come with a non smoking lifestyle,
and they are of great importance for most people, given the current financial times.

Dr. Eugenia Andrews